Cats Meow 3
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TBones Game Warden Stout

Classification: stout, partial mash

Source: Tim Walker (, r.c.b., 5/3/96

Anyway, this was pretty damn tasty going in the bottles



Crush Grains and mash at 150 for 60 minutes, really I got the Briess only to convert the flaked as an experiment in head and body. Sparge and get 3 gallons. Add to this (allready surly lookin' brew) the extract and hops. Boil 60-90 until 2.0 2.5 gals remain in pot. Pour in primary with 2.5 cold water. Chill in ICE water to 76.

Pitched Danstar Nottingham...went off like a bomb... had to replace 1 1/4 inch blow off on day 2..was spooged out... and it worried me...well..not too worried... racked to secondary after one week in secondary for 2 weeks...primed with 1.25 cup Dark DME...
