Cats Meow 3
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Raspberry Porter

Classification: fruit beer, porter, raspberry porter, all-grain

Source: Paul Timmerman (ptimmerm@ r.c.b., 4/30/92

Overall, Dark, Clean, with lots of yeast esters, fruit esters, and floral hop aromas above the strong bittering, and less powerful burnt notes and fruit acids. All this on top of a very large mouth feel. Needs to age for several months, (at least) to reach peak.



Mash grains using single-step infusion with 170 strike water, held at 150--160 for 1 hour. Sparge into brewpot where other grains were already steeped using sparging bag. Add more run off as available. Bring to boil and add DME. Boil 3/4 ounce Chinook and 1/4 ounce Perle for 60 minutes. At 30 minutes, add 1/4 ounce Chinook, 1/4 ounce Perle and 1/4 ounce Cascade. In last few minutes add 1/4 ounce Perle and 1/4 ounce Cascade. Dry hop with 1 ounce Cascade.

Quickly racked to two five gallon primaries using counter-flow chiller. Pitched Wyeast Irish Ale Yeast from DME starter into 1.054 OG wort. Racked to secondary with three pounds of rasperries (frozen) and dry hops. Bottled at unrecoreded FG.