Dancing Penguin

Source: Bryan J. Maloney
Recipe added: 08/21/97
Email: bjm10@cornell.edu
URL: http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/bjm10/

This beer will lift off the top of your skull, scoop out your brain, and convert the dome into a stein. It is a very powerful brew, with strong ester and alcohol overtones. It's also on the sweet side--but the hops balance it. When the Penguin dances, get out of her way!


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 US gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.1When the 0
Finishing Gravity: 1.056
Time in Boil: 2 hours
Primary Fermentation: 3 weeks
Secondary Fermentation: 6 weeks



Pre-treat 12 gal (45.5l) water to approximate an "Edinburgh" water described as "giving great character to black beers" (Noonan, G.J. 1993. Scotch Ale. Brewers Publications. Boulder, Colorado.): Ca[2+]: 22ppm Cl[-]: 81ppm CO3[2-]: 197ppm Mg[2+]: 4ppm Na[+]: 112ppm SO4[2-]: 29ppm Bring 5.25 gallons (20l) water to 173°F (78°C) and add malts quickly. Adjust mash pH to 5.3 if needed. Bring mash to 153°F (67°C) and stir thoroughly. Stir every 15 minutes and reheat to 153°F (67°C) every 30 minutes. After two hours, bring mash to 170°F (77°C) for 10 minutes. Sparge with 6.5 gallons (24.5l) 170°F (77°C) pH 5.7 water. Boil 30 minutes and add hops. Boil for another 90 minutes. Chill and rack wort to primary. You want to have the trub around for the primary in this style--Imperials should be very estery. Measure OG, reserve and freeze wort for priming; pitch Scottish yeast starter. With the strength of the wort, the Crabtree effect is going to take over the instant the yeast hits the wort. Go to the trouble of making a second starter. Rack to carboy when primary fermentation is done, add dry hops and Irish Ale yeast. Give the beer six weeks secondary in the carboy. Prime and bottle. Age at least six months. If you are worried about the health of your yeast, you could add a small yeast starter at bottling time.
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