34 Knights Export Scotch Ale

Source: Steve McRuiz
Recipe added: 01/02/97
Email: stevem@webzone.net

Popped open my first bottle on New Year's Eve 1996, and it was really nice and rich. Deep reddish colours, malty overtones, somewhat sweet, but not overpowering. Alcoholic finish. The major problem with this batch was an almost complete lack of head. Upon pouring, there's a thin malty layer of foam on top, but it doesn't last long. If you can overlook this, it's worth trying this recipe out. If I'd do this over again, I'd probably use blackstrap molasses instead of the mild, and use Chinook hops instead of Northern Brewer. Serve slightly chilled. Specifics: 5.88% alcohol by weight, 7.35% alcohol by volume.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.075
Finishing Gravity: 1.019
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 27 days



Place 140 L. crystal malt in straining bag and suspend in 3 gallons cold water, bring to boil. Once water comes to boil, sparge and strain spent crystal malt grains and feed the remaining grains to the hungry birds outside. Add all syrup and dry malt extracts, brown sugar, molasses, and Northern Brewer bittering hops. Boil for 30 minutes, then stir in Irish moss. Boil for an additional 30 minutes, then remove from flame and pour wort through strainer into primary fermenter. Top up fermenter to 5 total gallons wort with cold water and chill fermenter. Pitch with Scottish Ale yeast when pitching temperature is reached. Ferment in primary for 1 week, then rack to secondary fermenter and keep fermenting for an additional month or so at 60 degrees ambient temperature. Prime with boiled DME/water mixture and bottle. Bottle condition for 2 weeks or so.
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