Proto's Pre-Prohibition American Pils

Source: Mike "Proto" Majeski
Recipe added: 02/14/00

I wanted to do a lager, but I didn't like the choices I had. I wasn't thrilled with the commercially made Lagers to try and do a "Clone". Then I came across "The Great BrewHolio Pre-Prohibition American Pils" (which this recipe is based) and was both intrigued and concerned. You see I haven't been able to make the jump to All Grain for many reasons (mostly time and money constraints). Then I realized I could replace most of the grains with extract, and do a 1/3 recipe so it would fit in my largest fermentor (that probably explains why my starting and finishing gravities are a little higher than the original. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did.


Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 6 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.070
Finishing Gravity: 1.016
Time in Boil: 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 8 days @ 60 deg.
Secondary Fermentation: 9 Days @ 60 deg.
Additional Fermentation: Lagered for 120 Days @ 35deg.



I did a single step for mash, in 2 gallons of 170 degree water 1 hour. I didn't use Irish moss in this recipe, but I will in the next. I also reserved approximately (opps, I forgot to write down the exact ammount) 1-1/2 cup of Dry Malt extract for priming.
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